A member asked:

If one drinks 2 litres of water in between 6-8pm for usg abdomen&pelvis is it ok to urinte about 5 times from 11p.m-3 a.m(have 2 get up to urinate after sleeping)started nexpro it cap(40+150) bfor breakfast&nexpro 40 tab bfor dinner since 3 days?

A doctor has provided 1 answer

Drinking that amount of water during that time frame will certainly get you up to urinate a few times. For an u/s of the pelvis you're usually instructed to drink a liter of water an hour before the test, but for an u/s of the abdomen you're usually told not to eat or drink for 8 hours before the exam. I'm unsure whether your bladder will be filled with urine in the morning. Skip AM nexpro.

Answered 10/3/2021



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