A member asked:

Biopsy results are: stomach, antrum, biopsy: antral mucosa with mild chronic gastritis . negative for helicobacter by immunohistochemistry. negative for intestinal metaplasia. negative for dysplasia and malignancy. what does this mean? awaiting my gi?

A doctor has provided 1 answer
Dr. Joseph Marra answered

Specializes in Radiology

"Gastritis" indicates some inflammation of the lining of the stomach. Sometimes a bacteria called helicobacter pylori can be present and be associated with gastritis, ulcer's, or even cancer, (but they did not find this). The part related to "negative for metaplasia, dysplasia and malignancy" means that they did not find evidence of cancer, or cell changes that could be pre-cancerous. Good luck!

Answered 9/28/2021



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