A member asked:

I had covid at 9 weeks pregnant. mild. did have a fever up to 101 for a night. now 17 weeks pregnant. convinced my son is going to have autism from this. what are my risks? thanks doctors?

4 doctors weighed in across 2 answers

Current research points more & more to errors in the genetic code in refined analysis of autistic kids. These errors are present at conception, not an effect of maternal fever during pregnancy, vaccines, or other such agents. While the potential for some effect on the fetus is always possible, pregnancy outcomes to date have not shown minor covid disease to be that significant.

Answered 9/26/2021


Dr. Amrita Dosanjh answered

Specializes in Pediatric Allergy and Asthma

COVID-19 during pregnancy among healthy mothers who did not require hospitalization, usually is not associated with risk to the baby. Continue with your OB follow up appointments and discuss an ultrasound with your physician. The COVID-19 vaccine is available and the flu vaccine should be administered unless otherwise contraindicated.

Answered 9/27/2021



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