A member asked:

I'm diabetic and ever since starting flonase daily my blood sugars have gone up higher by 25 points. can nasal steroids do this?

6 doctors weighed in across 2 answers
Dr. Sue Ferranti answered

Specializes in Internal Medicine

If nothing else changed (no change in diet or diabetic meds), then it is possible that the nasal steroids are having an effect. The best way to know for sure if this is the case is to stop the Flonase and see if your blood sugars decrease. If they do, then you have your answer and you and your doctor will need to determine the next step. Good luck!

Answered 6/28/2021


Dr. Christopher Schmidt answered

Specializes in Facial Plastic Surgery

Possible: possible, but not usually, nasal steroids have rare systemic effects......taht said if well controlled blood sugar levels, 25 points is nothing compared tot taking PO steroids

Answered 6/30/2021



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