A member asked:

My covid test is negative. my all reports like ultrasound, blood test are all normal. but today i'm check up my chest xray and report show increased bronchovascular markings . and other are normal. so pls guide me what can i do?

3 doctors weighed in across 2 answers

Relax. This is a common finding when a person does not a deep breath for the4 x-ray to the point the radiologist is expecting. The more air in, the more decrease in bronchovascular markings. To me this is a normal report.

Answered 5/28/2021


Dr. Jeffrey Stein answered

Specializes in Vascular Surgery

Increased bronchovascular markings are a finding on an X-ray and not a disease. They may be present in a lot of different situations (including normal health) and may even just be due to the technique of the X-ray (although a knowledgable radiologist would take this into account. I assume that the X-ray was ordered by a physician - it would be best to discuss the finding with him/her.

Answered 5/28/2021



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