A member asked:

Im 18 a month ago i had acl and meniscus surgery, i was cleared to walk on friday and had a 3 hour plane ride and 4 hour drive on saturday with not a ton of walking, now that im home my calf is in pain whenever i try to stretch it or walk how come?

4 doctors weighed in across 2 answers
Dr. Clarence Grim answered

Specializes in Endocrinology

Suspect you are using muscles you do not usually do. But good to have someone check it out as it occurred after plain ride and may be blood clot.

Answered 4/26/2021



This could be a DVT or blood clot. You are at risk because of recent surgery and travel. Alternatively, it could just be stiffness from immobility. With this history, it is better to be evaluated by a physician.

Answered 4/27/2021



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