A member asked:

20 month old with vomiting for 9 hours now, bile. won't eat anything or take any oral rehydration, still breastfeeding. quite lethargic. hr 144bpm. temp 37,3. when do i take her to er? all docs closed as its sunday?

5 doctors weighed in across 2 answers
Dr. Sue Ferranti answered

Specializes in Internal Medicine

You need to take the baby to the ER now. Babies can get dehydrated very quickly and your baby has signs of dehydration-lethargy, high heart rate, decreased fluid intake with vomiting. Your baby needs hydration right away so please go to the ER for evaluation and treatment now. Hope she feels better real soon!!

Answered 3/29/2021



Your baby is dehydrated! Vomiting for 9 hours, not eating nor drinking , being lethargic and increased heart rate is an emergency!Please take your baby to the nearest hospital so he can get immediate treatment and hydration.

Answered 4/1/2021



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