A member asked:

I have 2 children and i am type 1 diabetic for 21 yrs and i have severe nerve pain in my arms n hands for past 5 yrs isit neuropathy or carpal tunnel?

8 doctors weighed in across 3 answers
Dr. Irfan Lalani answered

Specializes in Neurology

Could be either: Diabetic neuropathy usually affects the feet before it affects the hands and arms. However, your symptoms could be coming either from carpal tunnel or from peripheral neuropathy. Symptoms from carpal tunnel are usually most intense in the thumb, index and middle fingers and are worsened by repetitive motion. Clumsiness, and weakness in the hands also occurs commonly in cts. An EMG is needed.

Answered 10/4/2016


Dr. Alex Meyers answered

Specializes in Hand Surgery

Nerve pain: Hard to say. Try a splint in your wrist at night and periodically during the day (carpal tunnel splint). If it helps more likely carpal tunnel. If no tingling in your feet that would point to another likely cause other than neuropathy.

Answered 3/23/2015



Either of neither?: Both of the causes you proposed are possible. But pain does not necessarily indicate either diagnosis. Arthritis, tendonitis or vascular diseases could be causes of your symptoms. An examination and perhaps a nerve conduction test should help you find the cause and develop a treatment plan. Good luck!

Answered 5/22/2016



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