A member asked:

I was deferred from the blood donor service for testing positive for hep b. i am a virgin. i do not take drugs. i have never been admitted to hospital or received a transfusion. could this be a mistake? what else could i have?

3 doctors weighed in across 2 answers
Dr. Yvette Kratzberg answered

Specializes in Pediatrics

See your Dr.: See your primary care Doctor. They can perform a test for Hep B and look at your liver enzymes, etc to determine if the test on your blood was accurate and to discuss where you may have caught it if it is positive.

Answered 12/15/2020



Hepatitis B: Hepatitis B can also be transmitted at birth from an infected mother and can also be transmitted in the saliva of an infected person. In your case a false positive is a possibility. I recommend consulting a gastroenterologist or hepatologist for more testing to determine whether you have an active infection,recovered from a past infection or had a false positive test for hep B core antibody.

Answered 1/8/2023



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