A member asked:

Anisocytosis with normal 12.5 hg, please tell what can normalise the red blood cell size/anisocytosis and how much time it takes to normalise, iron 45, % transferrin saturation 10.9? i am planning for pregnancy and currently taking hbset tablet?

A doctor has provided 1 answer

You R not Anemic: With a Hemoglobin of 12.5 GM, you can safely proceed with pregnancy. Anisocytosis is not a very useful marker or indicator of any disease. The only things that matter are MCV, Hemoglobin and serum Iron, TIBC(if you were anemic) and ferritin level if there is concern for iron deficiency. As long as your hemoglobin is over 10Gms, you can safely have a pregnancy.

Answered 11/26/2020



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