A member asked:

Stabbing left side lower abdominal pain. i happens 1-2 per week when i'm standing up from a sitting position. the pain last for a few minutes. it's so painful that i can't walk until the pain subsides?

3 doctors weighed in across 2 answers
Dr. Dora Chizea answered

Specializes in Anti-Aging Medicine

Pain is a ...: There are so many organs and structures located in the Left Lower Abdomen that the fastest way to be sure one does not get into Emergency situation is to see the Doctor and have a physical Examination- Hands On. Most of the tome, Pain is a warning sign that something is not quite right.

Answered 10/9/2020


Dr. Amrita Dosanjh answered

Specializes in Pediatric Allergy and Asthma

Severe pain: Pain that is so severe that you can not ambulate without pain, must be evaluated soon. There may be an infection involving the peritoneum. Please go to the Emergency room.

Answered 10/9/2020



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