A member asked:

Hello doctor , i had mild left chest pain aroubd 3 days back but i was sure it was not in heart when checked my blood pressure was high 140/80and the doctor also took ekg which was absolhtely normal.now pain is under my left arm and left back?

A doctor has provided 1 answer
Dr. Jerome Zacks answered

Specializes in Cardiology

Merits further eval: This merits a return soon to your Dr to report recurring symptoms. A careful history, EKG, chest X-rays and blood tests usually will yield the cause of symptoms. Occasionally additional testing might be necessary, such as a chest CT scan or a CT coronary angiogram. These tests could disclose a pulmonary embolism or coronary problem. Occasionally, a stomach or esophagus problem might be diagnosed

Answered 9/19/2020



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