Orthodontist: See your dentist for advise, biting down on hard material can damage your teeth. Talk to a person you trust about your goals as far as your teeth appearance.
Answered 9/22/2020
Canines: Canines are by nature designed to be "pointy". Biting down on hard materials can fracture your teeth (not a good idea). If you would like a softer look in your appearance, the teeth in question can be cosmetically recontoured by your dentist. It's a one way street... once recontoured, they do not grow back, so let a professional do the work.
Answered 9/24/2020
Tooth appearance: Tooth appearance can be modified, but better to let a professional do it. Remember 2 things. 1) Once tooth reshaped only more complex treatment can return it to original shape. 2) Biting on hard things provides better chance of vertical fracture than horizontal softening. You would literally have to grind on something abrasive, and the resulting shape may not be to your liking. See your Dentist.
Answered 9/28/2020
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