A member asked:

I experienced lightheadedness, heart palpitation pale skin cold hands and feetand dry mouth? it happened twice? is this hypoglycemia?

3 doctors weighed in across 2 answers
Dr. Brian Hoffman answered

Specializes in Dentistry

Could Be: The symptoms are correct, but you would have to check your blood sugar to know for sure. Have you ever had a hemoglobin a1c drawn before, or done a fasting blood glucose test, or glucose challenge test? All good at determining if you have any blood glucose control issues. Your pcp would be your best avenue here. Lastly, if you ate something with simple sugars after your symptoms, did it help?

Answered 6/9/2013


Dr. Joel Doyon answered

Specializes in Dentistry - Cosmetic

Possibly thyroid: I would tend to think more of a thyroid issue. I recommend you see you doctor to get your thyroid levels checked, and also glucose test while you're at it.

Answered 11/10/2015



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