A member asked:

Vomiting sensation bring up a bit of liquid. usually it's a bit of clear salivay mucus and a miniscule amoun of any liquids i've had. (right now ice cream and gatorade). happened three times now over 3 days. should i worry? talk to my gp?

A doctor has provided 1 answer

Vomiting: At this time the vomiting is nondiagnostic. It could be gastritis or an early viral intestinal tract infection. You're not vomiting solid foods. You have no abdominal pain. I recommend following a soft bland diet and drinking flat ginger ale to settle your stomach. Avoid alcohol,caffeine,nicotine,aspirin or anti-inflammatory medications like ibuprofen or naproxen. If not improved, notify your MD.

Answered 6/4/2020



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