A member asked:

I have an anxiety disorder and sometimes i feel like my heart is beating in a shallow way...is this a heart palpitation?

2 doctors weighed in across 2 answers

Palpitations: Palpitations usually refers to a sensation of feeling that your heart beat is either rapid,or irregular. Sometimes a feeling of a very forceful heart beat is considered a palpitation symptom by some. A feeling of a shallow heart beat is unusual as it implies that you usually feel a strong beat. Actually feeling your heart beat is not usual for people with a healthy heart. ? stress management ther

Answered 4/11/2020


Dr. Bernard Seif answered

Specializes in Clinical Psychology

Anxiety & Heart beat: In addition to the previous excellent advice another doctor gave you, continue to be followed by your doctor. Then seek the help of a clinical psychologist. He/she can help you learn to manage your anxiety. For some self-help see www.relaxationresponse.org Peace and good health.

Answered 4/11/2020



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