A member asked:

My daughter came home with a fever of 39.1 from educare and the teacher told me there was a kid at the educare had stomach bug. she has atshma, alergies and eczema. she is lame and just want to drink things. she is 4 years old and about 16kgs.

8 doctors weighed in across 2 answers

It happens sometimes: Kids do get sick from time to time. A child with symptoms suggestive of a "stomach bug", meaning an infection with some sort of virus or bacteria that causes stomach symptoms, can happen from contact with surfaces, such as doorknobs, toys, and other people who don't look sick. Infections can also come from foods and drinks that contain the germs or the toxins produced by the germs.

Answered 10/12/2019


Dr. Amrita Dosanjh answered

Specializes in Pediatric Allergy and Asthma

Fluids: Clear liquids and a pro biotic may relieve symptoms. Continue her asthma and other medications as prescribed. Treat her fever with Motrin or Tylenol and please follow up with your pediatrician.

Answered 10/14/2019



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