A member asked:

Myself 32, having mild pain at one point of right side of chest from past 2 weeks for few seconds , ecg, stress test and troponin test normal. what is the reason? do i need to do go for chest xray or is it some cardiac issue?

A doctor has provided 1 answer
Dr. Alonso Morales Medina answered

Specializes in Medicina Interna

Precordial catch: Precordial catch syndrome is a non-serious condition in which there are sharp stabbing pains in the chest.These typically get worse with breathing in and occur within a small area. Spells of pain usually last less than a few minutes. Typically it begins at rest and other symptoms are absent. The underlying cause is unclear. Pain may be from the chest wall or irritation of an intercostal nerve.

Answered 7/7/2019



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