A member asked:

I have body odor people cover nose around me i showed twice a day brush teeth and wear deodorant does turmeric powder water help with this. i asked my?

6 doctors weighed in across 4 answers
Dr. Theodore Davantzis answered

Specializes in Dentistry

Body Odors: Regarding your teeth and bad breath, brushing may not be enough. If you have calculus deposits and/or periodontal disease and tooth decay, you'll need to see a dentist for treatment. Bad breath may be caused by other factors, too, including diet, tonsil stones, etc. Determine the cause of your bad breath to treat it, rather than trying to cover things up with mouthwashes and breath mints.

Answered 6/11/2018



Odor: Do you bathe daily? Are your clothes washed or dry cleaned frequently? Have you been evaluated for dental decay, gum disease, infected tonsils/adenoids/sinuses, do you have any odor-producing systemic diseases, have you been evaluated for GERD. Please see BOTH your General Physician and your General Dentist for comprehensive physical examinations.

Answered 3/22/2020


Dr. Jerry Brown answered

Specializes in Prosthodontics

Body Odor: Good day; I believe this odor is to severe to be found intra orally. Common sense seems to indicate body order- at least try to detect where the smell is most pronounced with help of husband or relative before running off to MD or DMD! Agree with previous answer.

Answered 6/22/2018



Possible food spices: Most common sources of body odor are related to chronic sinus congestion, poor dental health, heart burn or indigestion. Get a check up. If you are healthy, then the odor may be coming from the foods you eat which flavor your sweat, esp curry and cumin. Also foods that contain sulfur such as the cabbage foods and onions/garlic, occasionally asparagus. I am not aware that tumeric helps.

Answered 6/26/2018



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