A member asked:

Getting bit by something invisible and also by tiny black bugs the size of a dot. can't get rid of them out of car home and clothes. and when we bathe they come off and out of skin black or grey and black. under a microscope it was dark brown oval

3 doctors weighed in across 2 answers

Scabies or bed bugs: How much do you itch? Is there a rash anywhere? Where on your body do you see/feel the tiny black bugs? I would suggest you see your primary care physician or a dermatologist to figure it out. Thanks.

Answered 3/5/2018



See a dermatologist: Begin with a diagnosis. Consider the possibility that your diagnosis of "bugs" might be mistaken. A skin specialist will help you. Do not reject a possible explanation of severe depression. You can be helped.

Answered 3/4/2018



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