Talk to your OB MD: You need to talk to your treating OB MD and explain your concerns who may examine you and determine what testing or referrals are needed.
Answered 4/3/2021
I agree with Dr. Ingram - that this warrants medical assessments. Because there are a number of medications that one would want to avoid during pregnancy, I have used acupuncture to treat pregnant women suffering for anxiety and panic attacks. There are many other non-pharmacological approaches. Take care.
Answered 4/7/2021
Although you may well experience panic attacks, your headache sounds like an episode of classical migraine, and would avoid female hormones and smoking in the future due to this problem. If further episodes occur, seek consultation with neurologist.
Answered 4/3/2021
You are clearly experiencing vitamin B 1 (thiamine) deficiency as depicted by Dr Irwin in "How to have a trouble free pregnancy: the thiamine connection" Aslan Publishers, Ct
Answered 4/5/2021
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