A member asked:

I've been experiencing heart palpitations for 3 weeks, it has become more frequent, up to 10 times in a day, several in a row. i am on antidepressants for anxiety and depression.

8 doctors weighed in across 3 answers
Dr. Heidi Fowler answered

Specializes in Psychiatry

That can certainly: occur with anxiety or panic. Please keep your physician appraised of your symptoms as that type of information is helpful as medications are being titrated.

Answered 11/7/2017



Needs to be checked: Persistent palpitations three times a week needs to be checked by your doctor.It my be related to the Anxiety,or side effects of the Antidepressants.There are other causes like Hyperactive Thyroid or related to your heart,or you may be Anemic.Get it checked to be on the safe side especially if it is getting worse as you say.You need exam and may need blood test and Ekg

Answered 10/28/2017


Dr. K. Olson answered

Specializes in Psychiatry

EKG, ?Holter monitor: Many medications can cause heart rate changes. Did these occur shortly after introducing or adjusting the dose of your anti-anxiety or antidepressant meds? Is there a family history of heart disease? Anyone who has has sudden death or heart rhythm problems like atrial or ventricular fibrillation? Do you have a history of palpitations or runs of rapid heart rate not related to exertion? Supplement

Answered 10/30/2017



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