A member asked:

Hi, i have a sharp pain on my left chest rib side. its sore when i cough or sneeze. its been there for about 1 to 2 weeks now. i stopped smoking a week ago due to coughing attacks and pain. what could it be?

A doctor has provided 1 answer
Dr. Julie Abbott answered

Specializes in Preventive Medicine

This type of pain: suggests rib or pleura (the lung and heart lining) problems. My first thought might be a rib fracture..perhaps a fall or injury when you didn't appreciate the severity of the trauma. Or inflammation of pleura from a viral/other infection causing inflammation. You could take ibuprofen in suggested doses for up to a week. If no improvement, see Doc. Take this "silver lining" and stay off cigarettes!

Answered 9/18/2017



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