A member asked:

I have a dark red spot on my breast which itches at times and if pushed, is sore. it appeared 20 days ago and has not spred. i was prescribed amoxicillin, and applied muprirocin no changes.. now 2 days using steroid cream and it seems worse. ibc?

A doctor has provided 1 answer
Dr. Susan Rhoads answered

Specializes in Family Medicine

Stop steroid!: If it is worse after using the steroid, it is either a yeast infection, or a bacterial infection that is worsening. I suspect yeast, because antibiotics did not help. But I can't say that for sure, and you need to call your doctor today and ask what to do, since your doctor examined the rash, and I have not.. If you have fever, rapidly increasing pain, warmth, or red streaks, get seen STAT.

Answered 8/12/2017



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