Gray hair: Can be difficult for a young person. The crucial thing to remember is that being neat, clean, and treating others the way you would like to be treated is far more attractive than hair color. As we embrace change we relax and life becomes more interesting. Peace and good health.
Answered 9/17/2017
Gray hair: First thing to know is that genetics plays the biggest role in early graying- we can't change our genetics. To reduce risks of early graying & hair loss: 1. Don't Smoke. 2. Correct Zinc, Vit B or other nutritional deficiencies. Vegans are at risk for Vit B12 deficiencies. 3. Ensure that your thyroid is healthy. 4. Diets> Eggs are rich in biotin. Dark greens are high in Vit A & C. Omega 3 fatty
Answered 6/19/2020
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