A member asked:

3 yrsago i got some lumps under my neck,it small,nopain.i meet doc and he say it just bcs of my damage teeth, he gave me antibiotic, i didnt finish eat the med. until now lumps didn't gone. is it cancer? swollen lymph node ? is it normal ? :'(

15 doctors weighed in across 3 answers
Dr. Sandra Lora Cremers answered

Specializes in Ophthalmology

Lumps: Please send photo of lumps and inside your mouth. Could be swollen lymph nodes. Do you have any night sweats or unexpected weight loss? Consult with us to help.

Answered 6/3/2017



See a dentist ASAP: If you have swollen lymph nodes from damaged/decayed teeth, the only way to resolve this is to have the damaged teeth fixed or removed. Antibiotics are only a temporary fix that will help shrink an infection. Until the source of the infection (the damaged teeth) is resolved, the infection will keep returning. Please see a dentist ASAP.

Answered 11/28/2017



Is it?: Cancer? Cannot tell without an examination. Swollen Lymph Nodes? Possibly, especially if you have infected teeth/gums. Normal? No, swelling is not normal. Antibiotics will limit spread of infection only as long as you take them. Once you stop, infection continues to spread unabated throughout your body. you need to see a Dentist, and you need to go now. Your problem will not self-cure.

Answered 6/8/2017



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