A member asked:

When faced with a medical decision, is it okay to ask my doctor what s/he would do if s/he were in my position?

6 doctors weighed in across 3 answers
Dr. answered

May be not!: When doctor explains a medical issue to a patient to get a decision about it, pros and cons are usually addressed and weighed by both (doctor and patient) prior to putting the plan of action. Each person has his own circumstances and the choice to make the decision that suits his/her situation. You can always ask for a second opinion from another medical professional to help making the decision

Answered 12/3/2016



Yes: It is fine to ask your doctor this question. However, remember that your doctor's opinions about healthcare may be different from yours.

Answered 10/19/2017


Dr. Randy Baker answered

Specializes in Holistic Medicine

Yes: I think that is an excellent question, though you may also want to ask why if the doctor does not explain the reason for the decision. And you still might not agree with whatever decision your doctor would make...

Answered 12/3/2016



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