Foul breath: You may have occult sinusitis ( post nasal drip) or food intolerances, acid reflux , dry mouth ( try lemon drops) or yeast infection. I am not quite sure why it is related to bowel movement exclusive of Valsalva causing more reflux which can exacerbate sinusitis .Follow up with GI
Answered 1/6/2018
Halitosis: Bad breath can be caused by many different factors, including sinus infections, periodontal problems, smoking, cavities, acid reflux, and your diet. Address all of these possibilities with your dentist and physician, and I'm confident that your problem will at least be minimized, and hopefully eradicated.
Answered 2/22/2020
Dental visit : You should consider being seen by a dentist and investigating your teeth to make sure that's not the primary source. Acid reflux may also cause bad breath. But bad breath typically is not related to bowel movements.
Answered 10/24/2017
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