A member asked:

Stage 4 lung cancer, in liver, on spine ate hole in hip bone. no treatment still smoke. how long do i have left. what to tell my kids. what's next. ?

5 doctors weighed in across 3 answers
Dr. Aasim Sehbai answered

Specializes in Medical Oncology

Lung cancer: No therapy, 2-3 months average. With therapy, average survival 12-15 months. Your health status, tumor subtype whether small cell or non small cell, smoking status, presence of egfr mutation, alk mutation, your respone and tolerance to chemotherapy are some other factors which will affect survival. Have faith in god and start your treatment. Family will understand.

Answered 6/20/2016



See long answer: The overall survival after the diagnosis of stage IV lung cancer without active chemotherapy treatment is limited. I never tell my patient the exact number of months they have left as the numbers are derived from a large cohort of patients with different fucntional status. It is not common for stage IV lung cancer (i presume non-small cell lung cancer) without treatment to live more than 18 mo.

Answered 8/10/2017



Discussion with Doc: Discuss with your doc who has been treating as he/she would have answer to all your questions. Tell your kids the truth whatever your doc informs you about your condition. It looks very grim with stage 4 lung cancer which has spread to multiple organs and bones. Are you at home or at a hospital?

Answered 4/12/2013



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