A member asked:

Mom has stage 4adenocarcinoma, not sure of the primary cancer.has cancer in neck, spine, jaw, liver, lungs, lymph nodes&hips. how long does she have to live?

3 doctors weighed in across 2 answers
Dr. Peter Ihle answered

Specializes in Orthopedic Surgery

A very hard ?...: ....2 answer, stage 4 of anything is bad. Only her oncologist is able 2 answer this ; a lot depends on prior treatment or her response 2 proposed treatment, ; how widespread the metastasis r ; how advanced they r. Then a definite answer is an educated guess/ prognosis with a wide range of possible time.

Answered 2/2/2014



Cancer and lifespan: There is no exact way to know. Your mom's doctor is in a position to give you the best estimate of how long she has to live.

Answered 2/2/2014



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