A member asked:

I'v long standing colitis.done lft. my bili is bit high.sgpt/alkaline phosphatase/ggt/ pancreas-ok. sgot bit high.ultrasound - all ok but mild fatty liver.lipid prof & cbc-ok. no abd pain.was 218lbs.started home diet & lost 16 lbs in 4m.is it psc?

4 doctors weighed in across 3 answers

Continue the wt loss: Not sure what is PSC, but your obesity (I'm assuming obesity by your weight, but I don't have your height for confirmation) can cause your fatty liver which can cause your LFT abnormalities. Work with your primary clinician on your weight loss while continuing to monitor your LFTs. Hope that helps

Answered 11/28/2017


Dr. Cornelius Oleary answered

Specializes in Urgent Care

GI: GI consultation, imaging , hepatitis serologies, ERCP= endoscopic retrograde cholangiopancreophotogtaphy. Good luck. Stay calm and see GI/ Hepatologist. Hyperbilirubinemia ranges from Gilbert's at 2 to much higher levels need the info. Need full liver panel results albumin etc. Need MRI in my opinion. Good luck.

Answered 1/22/2021



Test for PSC: PSC is less likely with a normal alkaline phos, but that is a non-specific measure. ERCP is the more sensitive testing for PSC, and will detect strictures or evidence of stricture in many instances. MRCP is less invasive, but may not be quite as good as ERCP. The approach to making a diagnosis of PSC is best done with guidance from your gastroenterologist.

Answered 9/6/2016



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