Large fatty liver: What were your lipids? What is your B12? vgetarian? Increased bili is seen in low B12 and NAFLD is associated.. Also unconjugated bili is from hemolysis ( meds or G6PD-middle east), B- thalessemia( congenital), medications, diseases affecting conjugation( Gilbert's-Mediterranean ) Exposed to chemicals? carbon tetrachloride medications? gemfibrizol? Would avoid tylenol (acetaminophen) f/u/ w /doc
Answered 8/26/2016
NASH: Please read about NASH It leads to cirrhosis of liver Should see and follow up with gastroenterologist as there is new drug available for NASH/ fatty liver Also drink 2-3 cups of black Coffey ( no sweetener/ no milk/cream) daily
Answered 8/26/2016
5 doctors weighed in across 5 answers
2 doctors weighed in across 2 answers
3 doctors weighed in across 2 answers
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