Not a antidepressant: Abilify (aripiprazole) is an anti-psychotic. Some Dr's use it for bi-polar or as a additional drug for major depression. If this Dr is not a specialist, you might want to find a psychiatrist for better management. Paxil is one of several SSRIs - another might work. In any case, you need a taper from it to avoid w/drawal risks (serotonin syndrome). Also, consider talk therapy to optimize treatment success. Best!
Answered 6/13/2016
Augment vs change: Aripirazole can augment - improve the effectiveness of - antidepressants. This is usually done when the antidepressant is definitely, but only partially, effective. If the Paxil has not been at all effective despite an adequate dose and duration (at least 3-4 weeks), then probably better to switch to a different SSRI (assuming depression diagnosis is correct ) than to augment.
Answered 12/17/2020
It is important to find the correct combination of medications with your Psychiatrist. Have a physical exam to rule out illness. If you are not confident in your Dr. see another for a 2nd opinion. Medications are not sufficient since they do not teach you coping. Psychotherapy with a Clinical Psychologist with expertise in multiple types of psychotherapy can help your medications to work better.
Answered 4/27/2021
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