A member asked:

Chronic abdominal pain since jan. b12 levels dropped from 609 in jan to 371 in may and high b6. forgot to take vitamins for a 3 weeks. is that reason?

A doctor has provided 1 answer

Not entirely: A normal person has about a year's worth of B12 stores and not taking vitamins for 3 would not cause the drop in levels you described. It is not feasible to provide a more meaningful opinion without an in-person evaluation. You should see your doctor. For good health - Have a diet rich in fresh vegetables, fruits, whole grains, low fat milk and milk products, nuts, beans, legumes, lentils and small amounts of lean meats. Avoid saturated fats. Exercise at least 150 minutes/week and increase the intensity of exercise gradually. Do not use tobacco, alcohol, weed or street drugs in any form. Practice safe sex.

Answered 5/27/2016



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