A member asked:

What is a good regimen for correcting moderate zinc deficiency?(50 mg/d for 30 days?) how much copper should i add to balance 50mg zinc supplement?

2 doctors weighed in across 2 answers
Dr. Ashley Vanderloop answered

Specializes in Podiatry

Depends: Were you diagnosed with a deficiency? Normal serum zinc is 0.66 to 1.10 mcg/m. With proper lab work your provider can give you the exact dose needed. Zinc deficiency can cause a number of health issues so it is important you get the amount your body needs and for the proper length of time. Dosing also takes into account any other medical conditions present.

Answered 3/20/2016



Get another opinion: Zinc deficiency is serious but not stand alone. It does not occur in a vacuum. The important thing is to CORRECTLY diagnose it and determine the cause. This is usually obvious. Have you had bariatric surgery? Parenteral feeding? Serum zinc should be over .65mcg/ml and copper should be less than 100% of zinc. If you are serious about this go to a metabolic unit where the do parenteral feeding or ba

Answered 3/20/2016



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