A member asked:

After dvt, with the swell ever go away, in my leg leg and can my orthopedic, tell me, if i still have dvt. i had surgery for torn meniscus.

2 doctors weighed in across 2 answers

DVT.: Unfortunately, even when a DVT is completely treated, the vein that was involved is never the same. And as such, it may be difficult to prove by ultrasound that the DVT is fixed, if you will. As well, the involved leg may always and forever have some swelling as the vein involved remains functionally compromised.

Answered 2/7/2018


Dr. Richard Horak ii answered

Specializes in Internal Medicine

DVT: The swelling may never go away. Hard to tell. Somewhat depends on an individual basis. Your doc should be able to order a venous doppler to evaluate the DVT.

Answered 2/7/2018



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