A member asked:

I am having really intense pain on my lower left abdomen i can't stand up straight because it hurts. i don't normally get cramps. is this normal?

3 doctors weighed in across 2 answers
Dr. Christopher Conti answered

Specializes in Emergency Medicine

PELVIC PAIN: Multiple causes come to mind, but as an ER physician, my "worst case scenario" thought process makes me think of ovarian torsion, which is a twisting of the ovary, where the blood flow gets cut off. This is a gynecologic emergency and time is critical. If that is not the cause, there are other non-emergent conditions such as UTI, bladder infection, ovarian cyst. Go to the ER now for your answer.

Answered 5/8/2016



LLQ Pain: It is not normal to have pain anywhere in the body, Some underlying abnormality sometime physiological event especially at you age like ovulation might cause some pain, But you say you never had it before. You might want to have it checked out, infection in bladder, colon, ovarian cyst rupture, torsion of the ovaries, ectopic pregnancy and many more differential could be listed. Have checked out

Answered 2/23/2016



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