A member asked:

My lower abdomen hurts on the left side. how do i know if they are menstrual cramps or something serious like appendix?

3 doctors weighed in across 2 answers

Get checked.: It's not likely your appendix, as that is usually on the right side. it could be a ruptured cyst. You should see your GYN to see what's going on.

Answered 11/28/2020


Dr. Arthur Heller answered

Specializes in Gastroenterology

Appendix is on: right side. Left side pain could be menstrual cramps, or could be ovatian cyst, ectopic (tubal) pregnancy, divefticulitis, ureteral stone, other; tumors/cancers possible, but less likely. Got fever, vomiting, change in weignt, bowel habit, bleeding, change from usual menstrual symptoms, etc, needs MD ASAP. At all different from usual, see MD

Answered 5/30/2014



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