A member asked:

Does starting anxiety meds such as ssri's right after a terror attack block repetitive stressful thoughts and prevent ptsd symptoms?

5 doctors weighed in across 3 answers
Dr. Cornelius Oleary answered

Specializes in Urgent Care

SSRI for PTSD/terror: Excellent question. Columbia University College of Physicians and Surgeons has actually performed a controlled prospective clinical trial studying combined therapy of Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (specifically prolonged exposure therapy) in combination with an SSRI for PTSD at 10 weeks. Combination CBT/SSRI better at 10 weeks, longer trials needed CAPS scale PTSD score includes repetitive thoughts

Answered 1/11/2016



No: You first need to see your doctor if you have been transfixed. Then you need therapy to help you through your ordeal. The medications may play a role in your treatment plan but you need therapy tm right away

Answered 1/12/2016


Dr. Herman Hammerstead answered

Specializes in Trauma Surgery

Possibly: Some new research says Yes. Still too new for any definitive answer

Answered 3/11/2016



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