A member asked:

Can i take seroquel indefinitely for chronic primary insomnia? 12.5 mg has stopped working after 18 days. should i increase it? ambien (zolpidem) no longer works for me. neither does trazodone.

6 doctors weighed in across 3 answers
Dr. Krishna Kumar answered

Specializes in Psychiatry

Chronic Insomnia: I understand your need to have good sleep. Ambien loses effectiveness after about a month. Trazadone is not specific medication for insomnia. Seroquel can have serious side effects. Insomnia is a symptom of stress in your life for which Therapy, Breathing and Music Relaxation, Yoga, Meditation are beneficial. See Psychiatrist for Intensive Therapy, discuss anti-anxiety medications and follow.

Answered 3/3/2020



Insomnia: Have you been evaluated by a sleep specialist? If not, you should. Seroquel (quetiapine) is not usually effective when used this way. The sleep specialist can order medications for you if advisable and these may be temporary but will delve into your habits in depth, order appropriate tests such as looking for restless leg syndrome and advise a regimen for you specifically.

Answered 5/8/2016



What would: Benefit you more is a sleep evaluation by doctors who specialize in sleep. The reason that seroquel (quetiapine) has been helping up to this point is the antihistamines, and eventually that may not work as well. Finding out the cause of your sleep problem and treating it will get you the quality sleep that you need. Good luck!

Answered 10/22/2020



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