A member asked:

I went to the walk in today, the doctor prescribed augmentin (amoxicillin and clavulanate). she said i had a sinus/ear infection. she prescribed it for 5 days. is that long enough?

7 doctors weighed in across 2 answers
Dr. Natalie Hodge answered

Specializes in Pediatrics

Length of Course : Most of our research on length of course for otitis media support a ten day length of therapy. Research studies vary for acute sinusitis from 10 to 21 days length of therapy. I can't say what the prescribing physician was considering in this course of antibiotics. I suggest you ask him.

Answered 11/10/2015


Dr. Brian Affleck answered

Specializes in ENT and Head and Neck Surgery

Antibiotics: Often, ear infections clear quickly, if they are mild. However, if it is truly a sinus infection, these usually require a longer course of antibiotics. As a sinus specialist, I routinely prescribed 14-21 days of antibiotics for sinus infections. I would recommend completing the course of antibiotics that were prescribed and if your symptoms are not better, see an ENT specialist who can help.

Answered 7/1/2016



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