Zirconia crown: The most common placement is a porcelain fused to metal crown. For aesthetics and strength, speak to your dentist about a zirconia crown.
Answered 10/19/2015
Crowns: Crowns are full coverage restorations that replace the entire exposed tooth. They are often needed due to excessive decay (what necessitated the root canal in the first place). There are numerous esthetic material that can be used.. discuss with your dentist.
Answered 10/19/2015
Two basic options: Porcelain fused to metal and All ceramic. Regardless the material, the restoration to seal the tooth must be started within 4 weeks, after completion of the root canal treatment.
Answered 5/6/2017
Protection: A crown is a manmade protective covering for a tooth sometimes referred to as a cap. Teeth that have had root canal treatment may physically be more prone to cracking or fracturing for a variety of reasons. According to some studies they may have a 6X greater risk of breaking. Crowns can be fabricated from a variety of materials, gold, porcelain, etc. Ask your DDS for what's best for you.
Answered 2/20/2016
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