A member asked:

Endocrinologist says my thyroid 2 low. tsh-3gen 6.30 fti 2.4 tott4 8.8 t-uptake 27.8 wants to increase meds. i have no t gland. no symp. what's low?

A doctor has provided 1 answer
Dr. Susan Rhoads answered

Specializes in Family Medicine

Thyroid hormone.: We all need thyroid hormones for proper health. If you had your thyroid removed, you will have to take thyroid replacement meds for the rest of your life. If you are taking them, the level has to be monitored to be sure you are getting enough for your body to function normally. If your level is low, the medicine is increased and the level is rechecked regularly to make sure it is stays normal

Answered 10/14/2015



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