A member asked:

Ive been getting these head pains around my head for the past 3 wk. i also get nausea and feel pretty dizzy. i'm very scared this may be a brain tumor?

4 doctors weighed in across 2 answers

Migraine : If you have family hx of migraine in your mom or dad side then this is most likely migraine. It has typical features of pulsating pain associated with nausea and vomiting. It also make you sensitive to light and noise. However, no new onset headache shoukd be taken lightly and consulting a neurologist is highly recommended to rule out a possibility of tumor or something else.

Answered 5/29/2016


Dr. Bernard Seif answered

Specializes in Clinical Psychology

Dr. Johsi provided: great information. In addition, if this continues beyond a few months, ask you doc for a referral to a headache clinic at a local hospital. Also consider complimentary and alternative therapies while being monitored by your doc. Clinical hypnosis, biofeedback, talk therapy, etc. See www.relaxationresponse.org Peace and good health. Lots of reasons to be hopeful. Don't let your mind run away

Answered 5/29/2016



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