A member asked:

Building muscle need 3000-3300 calories a day. is it health if its good foods like chicken, whole meal pasta, lots of veg and fish etc?

4 doctors weighed in across 2 answers

Really healthy: Everything you describe is fine in all amounts except the pasta so if you go slow on that you will be eating really well.

Answered 6/12/2014


Dr. Alvin Lin answered

Mediterranean diet: Normal whole food w/lots of lean protein eg chicken & fish, as well as plenty of fruits & veggies, is a great way to pack on muscle if you're exercising. Eggs & beans are 2 more sources of protein as you're looking at consuming ~1g protein per pound of body weight. Some say even more than that. Plus you have to have 3, 500 calories more to gain a pound. Plan on 500 calories/wk extra & above.

Answered 4/7/2015



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