A member asked:

I worked out today and shortly after passed out, had extreme sweating, shakes, dizziness saw spots... i have had diarrhea for a week or so now.

3 doctors weighed in across 2 answers
Dr. Lynne Weixel answered

Specializes in Clinical Psychology

Guidelines: It's always great to hear that folk 'work out' but don't do it while you are ill. Many reasons. Your body needs it's energy to recover and you don't want to spread the disease to others, etc. Several days of diarrhea usually needs professional attention. Certainly you need hydration and symptom control. Get an exam, Dx, Rx and follow Tx instructions - ask for guidelines re work-outs. Best!

Answered 5/28/2016


Dr. Timothy Farley answered

Specializes in General Practice

Dehydration and more: It sounds like at the very least you are dehydrated. Those kind of symptoms warrant you to be seen in the emergency room as soon as possible. Good luck

Answered 5/28/2016



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