Goat Milk Allergy: There is a 92% chance that a person allergic to cow's milk will be allergic to goat's milk. Do not try this. Switch to a different milk, such as mare's milk or switch entirely to soy or silk milk.
Answered 4/5/2013
Yes, but unlikely: He can be allergic to any food, and that includes goat's milk. However, goats milk is one of the least allergenic foods that there is, so it is generally a good alternative if someone has a serious cow's milk allergy. Your child can be tested to see if he is allergic t the new milk, with either skin testing, clinical trial of the new milk, or blood testing.
Answered 4/5/2013
Milk cause allergies: More importantly cow milk can cause anemnia and the use of goat milk can cause folate (folic acid) deficiency. Cow milk was design for cow infants but is the next best when breast milk is not used. Soy formulas are used for galactosemia, lactase deficiency, ige-mediated cow milk allegergies or for vegetarian diets. If a true allergy ask your pediatrican about soy or hydrolyzed protien formulas.
Answered 4/7/2013
3 doctors weighed in across 2 answers
3 doctors weighed in across 2 answers
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