A member asked:

Infection started from probiotics/antibiotics that caused mucous nausea and blood. what test should i get for this infection.already had colonoscopy, hpylori, celiac, lactose, parasite, blood test ultasound had this 2 years, getting better over time?

6 doctors weighed in across 2 answers

Colitis: It sound like you had C.difficle colitis, if you are treated appropriately and improving clinically, no additional test is required.

Answered 6/29/2015



Disordered bowel: it looks like your doctors have done a nice work upBecause no specific problems have been found, and your symptoms persist, the answer may lie in a food intolerance or stress being carried in the bowel. Generally, blood does signify more significant inflammation, such as Crohn's disease-Colonoscopy should see this. As a next step, I would As a next step, consider consultation with a dietician

Answered 7/7/2015



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