A member asked:

Is it true that with bone grafting, all-on-four and etc, mostly anyone can get dental implants even if they lost teeth from gum disease?

17 doctors weighed in across 5 answers

Limitations: There are limitations to all treatments. For example, you can get periodontal disease around implants. Please see your Dentist for an evaluation as to whether implants and crowns or implant supported dentures would be applicable for your situation. Your Dentist may recommend teaming with an Oral Surgeon or Periodontist, or may recommend that you see a Prosthodontist. Go for exam and advice.

Answered 6/16/2015


Dr. Theodore Davantzis answered

Specializes in Dentistry

For the most part: Think of it this way: almost anything is possible if there is no monetary limit on what you want to spend to reconstruct jawbones that have atrophied due to tooth loss. As long as there are no medical contraindications, grafting can usually be accomplished to provide the bone support that is needed.

Answered 5/30/2015


Dr. Paul Grin answered

Specializes in Pain Management

With one exception: Patients should have healthy gums, enough bone to hold the implant and committed to good oral hygiene and regular post-op dental visits.

Answered 5/30/2015


Dr. John Thaler answered

Specializes in Prosthodontics

Most cases: In most cases, there is a treatment option available for fixed implant prosthesis. All depends on the existing bone, amount ,location, density, etc. See the specialist - Prosthodontist - for evaluation and treatment options. They will be the team captain for you team of specialists for reconstruction. You can go to many sites for more info. Bydesigndental.com will get you more info. Good Luck.

Answered 6/28/2015


Dr. Andres Carbunaru answered

Specializes in Dentistry - Prosthodontics

Yes: Todays techniques allows us to place implants to almost every body ( as long as the have no medical conditions)

Answered 12/3/2018



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