A member asked:

In hospital on iv antibiotics during chemo as had fever. bp dropping to 83-88 ? im worried

2 doctors weighed in across 2 answers
Dr. Randy Baker answered

Specializes in Holistic Medicine

Ask your doctors: This is obviously a complex situation & it seems peculiar to be asking a doctor not familiar with all the details when you're in a hospital surrounded by docs & nurses who know all the details. Low BP is a serious sign and could be due to infection, meaning the antibioitcs aren't working or have not yet had time to work or could be an adverse reaction to your meds. Discuss with your docs & nurses.

Answered 5/25/2015



Hard to say.: Obviously you have a complicated situation. BP does sometimes drop for a variety of reasons. You should discuss this with your docs who can put it into context.

Answered 5/25/2015



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